1. Java Program to print Hello World
  2. Java Program to initialize a string and print
  3. Java Program to print first n Integers
  4. Java Program to Print Lower Triangle Matrix Excluding Principal Diagonal Matrix
  5. Java Program to Print Upper Triangle Matrix Excluding Principal Diagonal Matrix
  6. Java Program to Print Lower Triangle Matrix Including Principal Diagonal Matrix
  7. Java Program to Print Upper Triangle Matrix Including Principal Diagonal Matrix
  8. Java Program to Reverse a String
  9. Java Program example to demonstrate String charAt method
  10. Java Program example to demonstrate String compareTo method
  11. Java Program example to demonstrate String compareToIgnoreCase method
  12. Java Program example to demonstrate String contentEquals method
  13. Java Program example to demonstrate String concat method
  14. Java Program to show usage of Enum which prints the size of coffee mug
  15. Java Program to check if String element is present in an array
  16. Java program to sort string array in descending order using collections
  17. Java program to reverse a string using recursion
  18. Java Program to reverse words in a given string
  19. Java Program to count Vowels and Consonants in a given string
  20. Java Program to count digits and white spaces in a given string
  21. Java Program to print all substrings of a given string
  22. Java Program to sort the given string Alphabetically
  23. Java Program to sort the given string Alphabetically using Comparator
  24. Java Program to sort the given string in reverse order using Comparator
  25. Python Program to print Hello World
  26. Python Program to initialize different datatypes and print
  27. Python Program to print different formats of string
  28. C++ Program to print Hello World
  29. C Program to print Hello World on the console