C Program to create union of structures of an employee and display the details


#include <stdio.h>
struct emp_basic_details
    int dept_no;
    char name[30];
    char sex;
    float salary;
union employee_information {
    struct emp_basic_details employee;
typedef union employee_information emp;
void main()
    emp employee_details;
    printf("Enter the details of employee:\n");
    printf("Employee Department ID:\t");
    scanf("%d", &employee_details.employee.dept_no);
    printf("Employee Name:\t");
    scanf(" %s", employee_details.employee.name);
    printf("Employee Salary:\t");
    scanf("%f", &employee_details.employee.salary);
    printf("Employee Sex:\t");
    scanf(" %c", &employee_details.employee.sex);
    printf("Entered employee details are:\n");
    printf("Department ID:\t%d\n", employee_details.employee.dept_no);
    printf("Employee Name:\t%s\n", employee_details.employee.name);
    printf("Employee Salary:\t%.2f\n", employee_details.employee.salary);
    printf("Employee Sex:\t%c\n", employee_details.employee.sex);


Enter the details of employee:
Employee Department ID: 12
Employee Name:  John
Employee Salary:        23000
Employee Sex:   M
Entered employee details are:
Department ID:  12
Employee Name:  John
Employee Salary:        23000.00
Employee Sex:   M