C++ Program to generate fibonacci series


using namespace std;
int main()
	int range;
	cout << "Enter the range of fibonacci serics" << endl;
	cin >> range;
	if(range == 0)
		cout << "Cannot generate series" << endl;
	int term_one = 0;
	int term_two = 1;
	cout << "Fibonacci Series" << endl;
	if(range == 1)
		cout << term_one;
	else if(range >= 2)
		cout << term_one << "\t" << term_two;
		for(int i = 0; i < range - 2; i++)
			int fib = term_one + term_two;
			cout << "\t" << fib;
			term_one = term_two;
			term_two = fib;
	cout << endl;
	return 0;

Output 1

$ g++ fibonacci.cpp 
$ ./a.out 
Enter the range of fibonacci serics
Fibonacci Series
0	1	1	2	3	5

Output 2

$ ./a.out
Enter the range of fibonacci serics
Cannot generate series