C# Program to calculate area of pentagon


using System;
namespace area_of_pentagon
	class AreaOfPentagon
		static void Main(String[] args)
			int apothem, side;
			float area, area_num;
			Console.Write("Enter the apothem:\t");
			apothem = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
			Console.Write("Enter the length of side:\t");
			side = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
			area_num = (5 * side * apothem);
			area = area_num / 2;
			Console.WriteLine("Area of pentagon: " + area);


$ mcs AreaOfPentagon.cs
$ mono AreaOfPentagon.exe
Enter the apothem:	7
Enter the length of side:	15
Area of pentagon: 262.5