F# program to compare two numbers using Functions


open System
let compare a b = 
                   if (a < b) then Console.WriteLine("First number is less than second\t")
                   if (a > b) then Console.WriteLine("First number is greater than second\t")
                   if (a = b) then Console.WriteLine("First number is equal to second\t")
Console.Write("Enter the first number:\t")
let a = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
Console.Write("Enter the second number:\t")
let b = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
compare a b

Output 1

Enter the first number: 700
Enter the second number:        345
First number is greater than second

Output 2

Enter the first number: 450
Enter the second number:        900
First number is less than second

Output 3

Enter the first number: 800
Enter the second number:        800
First number is equal to second